Friday, January 11, 2008

FERS sick leave compensation

The January 11th Federal Times had an article concerning the new legislation concerning sick leave compensation entitled "Sick leave plan falls short, managers groups say" by Amy Doolittle.

It seems FERS employees have reached retirement age and have many hours of sick leave accumulated.

CSRS employees' sick leave is added on to the end of their retirement.

Not unexpectedly, FERS employees nearing retirement are finding themselves with a year of sick leave (in my case) or even more that will be completely lost at the time of retirement. Consequently, as they near retirement, more and more FERS people are using their sick leave--not illegally, but at the hint of an illness or as legitimate family leave. As the article indicates, it is costing the government millions.

Notice to FERS employees: We need to rally behind this!

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