Friday, June 1, 2007

Welcome to the 2007 Kansas State Rural Letter Carriers Association Convention

What is the future of rural letter carriers or the United States Postal Service for that matter?

What can I expect for retirement income?

Where are the fresh homemade cookies and Starbucks coffee?

Find the answers to these questions and more starting this afternoon with registration at the Kansas State Rural Letter Carriers Association annual meeting at the Holidome, 6th and Fairlawn, Topeka, Kansas.

The KSRLC is honored to host Don Cantriel, NRLCA Vice President. His keynote address with be tomorrow, Saturday afternoon at 1:15 PM. We look to him to answer questions concerning the current and pressing issue of contracting delivery routes. This issue is of major concern to carriers and should be a concern to all customers whether rural or city delivery.

Before the heavy stuff, there will be fun and games tonight. Come and join the family orientated group. If you are a rural carrier or an associate rural carrier and not a member, come on down and someone will be glad to sign you up.

Also, come by the hospitality room have a cup of coffee and visit with me. I am Linda Hanney, a rural carrier out of the Berryton post office. I will be blogging the convention. There will be pictures and reports of the meetings. I might catch one of those ornery retired carriers and have a story or two about the good ole days.

Welcome and stay tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's really nice, Linda, that you are blogging the convention. That's uptown. I'll follow with interest. You're going to turn into a full-blown journalist yet.

I'd like to stop by for coffee and delve into the finer points of delivering the mail.



This website is not sponsored nor authorized by: USPS - NRLCA - State or Local Associations - Other Craft Unions -- or any other types of Organizations.

It is simply a guide to help rural letter carriers do research, find postal information and links on the web. Always contact your local and state stewards or your state and national officers for official advice and instructions.